Thursday 29 October 2009

journey from bus stop

Map of journey from Twickenham bus stops

Starting from Twickenham bus stops

This tunnel often gets very crowded on busy match days and some times floods in wet conditions causing pedestrians to divert their rout

After the tunnel pedestrians ignore the tight pavements and directly along the calm road's surface

The footbridge's elevated position provides the first glimpse of the stadium for visitors

These narrow pathways can become congested and slow before and after games

This can also lead to the need for some individuals to take routes across the grass to the park's exit

Here the spectators come into contact with others heading in from the train station and Twickenham finally being funneled in towards the stadiums rear gates


  1. Hello Simon, What a great start! The walk is a great idea, and the photos enlarge well when you click on them. I cannot wait to see a map of the walk so that I can trace your progress!
    Some captions would be good too, so that we can see where these places are.
    Good to see your photo on the profile. Is it a photo of you or the bridge? I really look forward to more. Phil G

  2. Here is the updated post with all the changes you suggested and my profile photo is of me in front of Sydney harbour bridge
